Children are vulnerable to harm people, and the extent of injury accidents are often serious than adults, which is due to:
The risk of poor awareness. Younger children, what would like to try. Children to see adults take medicine, he also wanted to try, in particular, a number of sugar-coated tablets, the mouth is sweet to eat, eat a piece of another, the result of poisoning. Children see adults using lighters, matches zoned, they also learn to play, burn occurred accidentally, caused a serious fire.
The risk of poor awareness. Younger children, what would like to try. Children to see adults take medicine, he also wanted to try, in particular, a number of sugar-coated tablets, the mouth is sweet to eat, eat a piece of another, the result of poisoning. Children see adults using lighters, matches zoned, they also learn to play, burn occurred accidentally, caused a serious fire.
Functional exercise capacity less imperfect balance, at the time of an accident to avoid poor, but also one of the reasons why. Oncoming vehicle, the adult in accordance with the direction of the vehicle, ability to escape, while the children often run at a loss or easily knocked down by vehicles. Adults do not care to encounter hot water just a get out of the way the foot, burns can be avoided, and children were burned as the dodge.
Active and lively nature like climbing, climbing trees, sliding staircase handrails, jumping down from a height, etc., which are prone to fall or fall injury.
Cortex thin skin small body surface area arising from the same cup of scalding water, the level of the adult light injuries, the proportion of small injuries, while the children were injured in the degree of weight, size, and serious than adults.
Common injuries of children, many different types of harm to children, the most common are drowning, accidental suffocation, electrical injury, poisoning (food, medicine, gas), burning (burning) injury, accident fall, injury, car accidents and sporting bite and so on.
Children of different ages is different from the accidental injury:
0 ~ 3 months and vomiting Yang milk milk milk from time to time may be asphyxiation and death caused by inhalation of the trachea. Electric blanket in winter, when heating, the temperature of kang high risk of burns.
4 ~ 12 months, the children easily fall from the bed caused by traumatic brain injury and other trauma. At this point children start to learn to eat food, or eat other things efforts, resulting in the incorrect use or foreign body inhalation.
1 to 3 years of age 1 to 3-year-old children of poor coordination of movement, to avoid poor, vulnerable to all types of injury occur, such as fractures, dislocations, burns and scalds. Trachea, foreign bodies in ears and other parts of the highest in this age. In China's southern region, in the family around the ponds, ditches drowning accident occurred, most of them occurred in this age, but less than 1 m water depth.
4 ~ 6 years old 4 to 6-year-old children more capable of increasing the scope of activities, strong thirst for knowledge, but also by curiosity, willing to explore whether, for example, climbing, watching out the window, not drugs and food to eat, touch electrical appliances, playing with fire and so on, so prone to serious injury, acute poisoning, electric shock, burns and other injuries fall.
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