Q: My son will be walking 11 months, and now 1 year 1 month. This day I suddenly found that his right foot when walking in shoes with the inside write, heel shoes will step on the inside of the upper, may I ask why this is, with no need to correct? When children are learning how to walk training can help the development of arch?
A: 1-year-old center around kids fat feet thick, is still adequate muscle development, so in the beginning, when we are walking, in order to maintain the stability of postural balance are separate legs, toes outward, inward heel, body mainly concentrated in the gravity heel. At this time the child's arch has not formed, so often there will be smaller or move around shaking, and sometimes step on the shoes. These are a normal phenomenon, do not worry. As the children grew older, the foot muscles through exercise gradually mature, the focus will gradually move to the outside of the formation of arch, these phenomena would naturally turn for the better.
If the parents are flatfoot, the children are likely to flatfoot, should take preventive measures, such as children barefoot in the soft sand to walk as little as possible to stand for prolonged periods, such as children. However, if parents are not flatfoot, there is no need to force the children to do training, so as not to cause a psychological burden to the children.
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