Lovely baby ears, small nose, hide a lot of parents would like to know the questions, let the experts to answer parents most often mentioned ear, nose and throat problem.
Parts 1 ear
Feel that there is cerumen baby, your baby would like to help clean up, but afraid to move baby to a very dangerous move, did not know that the baby should not have to help clean their own ears?
Expert Analysis
Mother taking a bath every day just when the baby with a towel to help wipe the outer ear can not help the baby to be deliberately ear cleaning. If there is water inside the ear or earwax, the baby can use the cotton bud, gently rotate (do not get too in depth) the earwax out of caution-money, if the fear of your baby or tamper with, can wait to deal with when the baby fell asleep.
If it is too hard or the cerumen than inside, my mother do not own to help clean up baby, it is best to please children nose throat doctor to deal with, so as not to accidentally hurt your baby's ears.
Question 2
Baby to sleep when suddenly it was a fireworks outside, but do not seem to have heard the baby is still sleeping well, your baby's hearing will not be a problem ah?
Expert Analysis
Generally speaking, within 3 months of the baby awake and suddenly the sound of crying production, suspension and other actions in response to do, but also in the noisy environment of feeling irritable or unable to sleep. However, because sleep very well sometimes, you may ignore the voices outside, so parents do not have to worry too much about.
In addition, the baby to 6 months, will turn attention to the toys, such as sound, or like the issue of "yiya" dialogue with the voice, for love of music will be the reaction of dancing.
If the baby does not appear the hearing of these common reactions or when the parents feel not quite right, then do not neglect their own ideas, should find a physician associated hearing tests.
Family history of hearing problem, such as premature infants, the best in the birth of newborns receive hearing tests, for early detection of hearing abnormalities.
Comparison of the last drag baby cold a long time, the media end of the day, I heard that milk is not the correct position will have otitis media, is that true?
Expert Analysis of otitis media in children is very common when cold baby complications. Eustachian tube in children because of the short, flat, together with the development of immature, nasal and nasopharyngeal cavity pathogen easily flow from the Eustachian tube in the middle ear, resulting in acute otitis media. In addition, if your baby lying flat milk, but also easy because the posture is not correct, so that the milk flow to the Eustachian tube, causing otitis media.
Media will be judged earache, fever and other symptoms. Because the baby will not speak, so we shall probably have to irritability, crying, grasping, etc. to express the ear uncomfortable.
If the doctor checks identified as otitis media, will be treated with antibiotics, treatment to the hospital after the parents still need to check for complete recovery.
Parts 2 nose
Baby was born two months, a great sense of respiratory sound, a bit like a stuffy nose, but having no symptoms of discomfort, you do not know if this normal?
Expert Analysis of the respiratory tract of infants is rather narrow, soft throat conjunctiva organization, development is not very mature yet, so sometimes there is phlegm throat, the feeling of noise. In addition, the baby's nasal cavity is also relatively low narrow, especially in the middle of the night when sleep quietly, the mother could be heard breathing a little big voice, a matter of fact, this is a normal physiological response, usually after five or six months, the problem will disappear .
To determine if it is a sudden some of the symptoms, then the baby may be cold, and if necessary to find a doctor to check to confirm.
If the baby appears shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and so does not face the situation, then they would have to suspect that the disease is not immediately go to the hospital to check.
Baby likes to have something to grasp on the bite, had almost the beans into a nose, how to do?
Analytic experts to show when the baby started full of curiosity, the parents should pay attention to, and a variety of small things may become baby attention, once the baby to detect a foreign body nose or ears, it is best to first check with a flashlight. If there are insect ears can be light leads to the worm or worm drops oil to drown, to be followed by ENT doctor comes out (if it is the middle of the night, as long as the worm is dead, baby would not have ear pain can find a doctor to deal with tomorrow and so on).
If the ears or nose of a foreign body, in principle, if parents can not be removed, it is best to look for ear-nose-throat doctors, the more inward or more push, but more vulnerable to injuries.
Situation 6
Baby had a cold, runny nose, many do not know the use of nasal suction device OK?
Expert Analysis of the nose when a lot of time, you can use the nose suction devices, suction devices a wide range of nose, my mother according to their own customs and habits of your baby's choice.
To determine the time of purchase, to parents to pay attention to the front smooth and safe so as not to accidentally scratch the nose endometrial baby.
In addition, some front-end suction coarse nose, nasal cavity and a small baby may not take into account, the parents choose, they should also pay more attention.
Babies do not like something Add the nose, so my mother to use the nose suction action when the best, and that if smoking is bad, it simply requested to deal with ear-nose-throat doctor.
3 parts of the throat
Choking baby milk the other day, nothing better last, I do not know if there is foreign body stuck at the throat or choking on how to handle?
Analysis of experts if there is no immediate danger of the foreign body (such as fish bone), can bring your baby to find out otolaryngologist folder. If there was an emergency situation, such as food or choking carbazole into the trachea to live, we must quickly clear the mouth of the foreign body, and maintain open airway.
Determine if there is no lifting of the situation at this time, it will be overturned baby posture, lie on the adults of the thigh and arm, followed by the middle of the scapula, with the palm of your hand strength to beat back the number of babies under the foreign body to see if you can spit.
After first aid, if not solve the problem, should immediately call 120. Wait for the process should continue to beat back or to artificial baby.
Recent changes in the weather, and the baby began to cough flu symptoms, do not know is to see a pediatrician or ENT?
Expert analysis of the cold baby, in the case of upper respiratory tract disease was more visible, in particular, there is a part of the ear, nose and throat symptoms (such as sore throat, stuffy nose, hoarseness, etc.), you can choose to see ENT; if there is lower respiratory tract (such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc.) or gastrointestinal problems, then can choose to see a pediatrician.
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