Baby crying is the only way to seek help. Newborns generally do not shed tears when crying, parents often can not be based on his crying to identify what he needs. Normal newborns cry often because the hungry, thirsty or wet diapers, the ambient temperature caused by too low or too high.
Baby crying is the only way to seek help. Newborns generally do not shed tears when crying, parents often can not be based on his crying to identify what he needs. Normal newborns cry often because the hungry, thirsty or wet diapers, the ambient temperature caused by too low or too high.
Crying also may be a sign of ill newborns: a daze when the baby's eyes, crying is a sudden, instead of mildly short of screaming at high pitch, is often a sign of brain disease; when touched a certain part of your baby increased crying, we should carefully examine the site of any abnormalities, such as neonatal subcutaneous gangrene involving the back and sacrococcygeal major, picked up and changing diapers often exacerbated when the crying; baby crying or unable to speak the prompt in a serious condition.
Baby cry or the language of the Federation of normal newborns cry every day of the patches. If he was quiet, Do not Cry did not make, it is too "good", and anti-attention to, it is necessary to determine his normal brain development.
If the newborn due to respiratory or heart disease, lung function resulting in apparent disorder, or brain disease, breath哼哼groan from time to time, this is the performance in a serious condition. Continued to moan moan than intermittent heavier condition should not hesitate to send hospital for treatment.
Vomiting refers to the milk from the stomach out through the mouth can have a better momentum, often accompanied by strong abdominal muscle contraction; Yang milk refers to milk from the esophagus or stomach, as I overflow, the general momentum is not, is not associated with abdominal muscle strong contraction. Yang milk regardless of vomiting or both may be inappropriate feeding practices, or caused by excessive food intake, or it may be functional gastrointestinal disorder or congenital intestinal atresia, caused by diseases such as esophageal atresia. Generally speaking, a good appetite as long as their children, increasing gain weight, have a bowel movement, it does not matter, but attention should be paid to feeding practices, feeding the right of lying when desirable, to prevent inhalation of the respiratory tract were out. Yang milk if accompanied by vomiting or the performance of the following should be taken seriously, asked the doctors to check:
① loss of appetite, make them apathetic.
② high fever or before the skull.
③ weight loss or performance loss.
④ vomit blood or yellow green.
⑤ often spit or foamy salivation liquid.
⑥ bloating or stomach can be seen, the peristaltic waves of intestinal type.
⑦ constipation or not from meconium after birth.
Newborns in the 3-10 days after birth are mostly minor jaundice, which is the physical phenomenon. However, due to the physical characteristics of newborns, making a number of diseases can cause or worsen jaundice. Therefore, when the jaundice appears, is to distinguish between physiological or pathological. If the jaundice has one of the following circumstances, may not be physiological:
① 24 hours after birth with jaundice that is quite obvious.
② jaundice throughout the body, was Weicheng yellow, and clear understanding in the near future.
③ deepening jaundice and then subside once or 2-3 weeks after birth is still very obvious.
④ stool color or white light, and the urine dark yellow color.
⑤ abnormal condition of the body: fever, poor appetite, mental well, two stare blankly.
Respiratory disorder
The normal newborn is not breathing hard, 40 times per minute or so. Some slightly uneven pace of breathing, the rate at shallow depth, but not with the skin such as bruising or slow heart beat, then normal, abnormal breathing refers to respiratory distress and apnea:
① respiratory distress: very hard to breathe, inhale the soft tissue when the thoracic and abdominal sag on. Expiratory groan issued from time to time, both sides of the nasal breathing Xi animals and respiratory rate significantly faster (60 times per minute) or slow (Misoji per minute or less), often accompanied by skin bruising.
② apnea: apnea refers to breathing of the sick child more than 15 seconds, and with pale gray, slow heartbeat. Higher incidence of premature babies.
Breast-feeding the newborn, every day you can go up to four to six large, was the appearance of thick paste, and sometimes slightly green, it is normal. Diarrhea is the thin stool, water and more; In severe cases, fecal water content and a lot of little quality. Many reasons for diarrhea: a virus or bacterial infection; breast milk volume or too much sugar; cold, etc. may cause. A small number of children is due to the lack of milk allergy or intestinal digestion and absorption of the enzyme induced by lactose.
Food have fewer number of frequencies can also be called "diarrhea hunger", then loose stool, color green, but more than the number, although small, should be differentiated from other diarrheal.
Skin bruising
This refers to blue-violet skin. Neonatal birth, due to a sudden change in living environment, need to be adjusted cardio-pulmonary function, skin and some bruising, but after 20 minutes of birth should gradually disappear, if not disappear, it may be pathological. Neonatal skin bruising caused for many reasons: simple bruising for congenital cyanotic heart disease, bursts of green due to the central nervous system caused by disease or severe infection. In addition, the ambient temperature is low, the children will end the bruising to the lips and limbs, can be disappeared by the heat. Some children in the intrauterine pressure, local blood stasis, the Ministry of Health will be behind the purple spot, referred to as the "bleeding injury" may gradually disappear after birth.
Pale skin and mucous membranes is also a kind of morbid, the reasons are:
① superficial vasoconstriction: at ambient temperature is too low or when the child has the disease.
② anemia: due to blood loss or hemolysis caused.
Fever is also a newborn in the bacterial or viral infections at the time of the performance of one of the important, often suck milk, the mother felt hot oral children to know their children ill. However, after neonatal infection may not have a fever, especially in light of low birth weight children or severe, and even lower than normal body temperature. In addition, the ambient temperature is too high, but also can increase body temperature, therefore, can not simply look at the body temperature to determine whether the baby has fallen sick.
Few neonatal convulsions convulsive typical, and sometimes only as follows:
① eyes staring, tremor, or continue to blink.
② mouth repeatedly for chewing, sucking action.
③ irregular breathing, skin bruising accompanied by a moratorium.
④ facial muscle spasm.
⑤ performance for a small number of newborns: the side of the body or limb muscle or Oscillatoria waves to draw sustained tonic muscle tension.
Convulsion is a nervous system symptoms, but not necessarily mind is sick, can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as high fever, water electrolyte imbalance (low calcium, low magnesium, high sodium, etc.), congenital heart disease caused by cerebral anoxia , jaundice too; sepsis, such as, in the event, it is necessary to investigate the reasons, in time, do not delay.
Newborns during sleep when fingers, toes small twitch, and then wake up everything will be all right, this should not be mistaken for seizures.
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