Children's delicate skin, blood vessel-rich, poor cuticle development, so contacts are highly drug absorption and permeability. Therefore, the use of topical drugs in children, in order to avoid skin damage and absorption of lead poisoning, it should be noted the following:
1, the near-born babies (1 months): avoid the use of plasters, zinc oxide ointment, as well as hardware such as plaster external application in skin cream, otherwise easily lead to contact dermatitis.
2, children suffering from skin or when skin disinfection: General not to use the strong irritating substances, such as salicylic acid, iodine, etc., to avoid the occurrence of skin blisters, peeling, or corrosion. If used, should be the beginning of low concentration, when stimulating the symptoms should immediately switch to stop or reduce medication.
3, the local drug-coated area is not too large, the concentration should not be too high. Such as boric acid, generally used for small area wet, toxic, but if used in large-area skin absorption may occur through the wound of acute poisoning, and even with the shock caused by circulatory failure and death.
4, infants and young children (3 years old) on the net intranasal (naphthyl oxazoline) are extremely sensitive, clinicians sometimes negligence intranasally with 1% of the net for the treatment of rhinitis in infants caused by poisoning. 0.05% of children can only use the net intranasal liquid light. Newborns should not be used.
In addition, the improper use of alcohol may also result in absorption of poisoning, such as high fever in children with a large number of alcohol sponge bath, can cause coma, respiratory difficulties; corticosteroid ointment for external use can lead to a large area, such as generalized edema.
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