Symptoms of a cough: a strong cough
The sound is very clear, similar to the seals, roaring sound, usually occurs at midnight. This is different from the you've heard the sound of the cough was heard.
Other symptoms: the child's condition during the day to ease the evening seriously. He may have made low-grade fever. Seriously ill, his breathing will be issued when the harsh wheezing, which sounds similar to the child long after the sobbing cry.
Suspect: croup, a contagious viral infection, it will lead to the throat and trachea of the expansion and contraction. The virus usually attacks six months of age to the age of three children.
Approach: holding the child, in the bathroom filled with steam to sit 5 minutes, moist air will help clear the lungs of mucus to help children, to quell cough. When children cough at night, parents can ensure that the child warm in the case of the bedroom windows open to allow fresh air into the room, the more moist cold air will help to alleviate symptoms of respiratory expansion. If he is becoming more and more severe cough or difficulty in breathing, you should immediately take him to the hospital. Children may need to eat some antibiotics, but in any case, this requires a doctor to decide.
Parents Guide:
Cough inhibitors: If the child was coughing could not sleep, inhibitors might be that useful. Ask your doctor what kind of inhibitor in the selection. However, cough suppression and sometimes can make the disease intensified, or extended sick time.
Expectorant agent: the role of these agents phlegm, but studies have shown that they are not very effective. Water is a good expectorant agent.
Broad-spectrum cold medicine: As the formulations of these drugs contain more than one component, so the children must be carefully read before taking the statement. Such drugs may produce some side effects such as insomnia (commonly found in anti-histamine drugs) or allergy (commonly found in decongestants).
Throat Sugar: taking cough syrup can increase the secretion of saliva, which lubricate the throat, relieve cough. But do not be a child under the age of four to eat throat candy. Because the throat will be like a hard candy sugar, as it has led to choking hazard.
Could be given medicines: In the children could be given medicines be sure to use spoon or a cup-like containers in order to ensure the correct delivery amount.
Cough 2: a cough with sputum
Not accompanied by wheezing or shortness of breath, regardless of day and night.
Other symptoms: drowsiness, runny nose, tears, and accompanied by mild fever (usually not more than 38.6 ℃).
Suspect: the common cold, nose, sinuses, throat and lung the main airway viral infection. Under normal circumstances cough will continue throughout the cold process (approximately 7-10 days), and sometimes the time will be longer coughing (about half a month to 20 days or so), but the symptoms of a day by day would have abated.
Approach: try to keep the child clean the nasal cavity, nasal congestion or a runny nose, cough will aggravate the symptoms. Will not be blowing his nose for infants or young children, parents can use saline nose drops or nasal ball suction device to help children clean up the nasal cavity. If a child's cough and stuffy nose symptoms persisted for 10 days yet to see better, you should take him to see a doctor. He may be suffering from sinusitis (caused by colds bacterial infection), or some other diseases such as asthma, allergies, pneumonia, or lymph node enlargement.
Cough 3: severe cough and hoarse array
Respiration up to 25 under an array of cough. Suction force when the child will be issued a sharp ringing roar.
Other symptoms: coughing before symptoms appear, there had been about one week of cold symptoms, but not fever. The baby's condition may be more serious, sometimes even a snot bubble situation. May also lead to cramps and other symptoms, when the children will be tired when you stop breathing.
Suspect: whooping cough, which is a highly infectious throat, trachea and lung bacterial infections. Such a vaccine has not vaccinated their children more likely illness.
Approach: If the week-long children's cough did not improve, parents should take him to see a doctor. Babies suffering from whooping cough usually require hospitalization, to control the symptoms of cough, throat clearing by a doctor in the sputum. The disease can be treated by antibiotics and cough symptoms usually last for a few weeks or even months.
Cough 4: Children with asthma occurs after eating and continued hoarse cough
Other symptoms: swallowing food when the children are burning sensation, or if there were symptoms of vomiting or spit spray. Babies may become irritable or there abdominal cramps. Asthma and young children will be picky eaters reactions occur.
Suspect: reflux esophagitis, esophagus and stomach muscles between the groups caused by weak or incomplete development caused by acid reflux. Some cases, the irritation of the juice into the lungs causing chronic cough.
Approach: If a child Huchihuchi cough for 2 weeks did not improve, parents should take him to see a doctor. Doctors generally will suggest that the child within 30 minutes after eating to maintain upright posture, and sleeping when the head of some little booster. Or opening a number of drugs can control the symptoms.
Cough 5: and are often accompanied by persistent coughing, wheezing or asthma
Cough lasted for more than 10 days, evening or after exercise condition will increase, and when children come into contact with pollen, cold air, animal dander, dust or smoke, the cough will be increased.
Other symptoms: difficulty in breathing, or a child shortness of breath, difficulty and other symptoms.
Suspect: asthma, a chronic disease, lung small airway swelling, narrow, filled with mucus and the occurrence of spasm, causing difficulty breathing. Asthma caused by common factors such as irritants in the environment, viral infections and exercise. He noted that, fundamentally speaking, the children suffering from asthma, lungs are more sensitive.
Treatment: Mild cases of asthma symptoms of chronic cough will appear. Carefully examined in order to go to the hospital confirmed. If you have a family history of allergy, asthma, eczema or a history of history, should tell their doctor, because in this case, the more likely the child sick.
Cough 6: issued by the throat, slightly hoarse cough
Cough from time to time look, and sometimes a dry cough, sometimes with sputum.
Other symptoms: the child was lethargic, complaining itchy throat irritation, headache, back muscles and leg muscles. He also runny nose, fever, nausea.
Suspect: influenza, respiratory viral infections.
Approach: If a child the following symptoms, parents should immediately take him to the hospital: more than 38.6 ℃ high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, do not want to drink. Your child drink plenty of water, use the humidifier to relieve the symptoms of airway congestion. In order to prevent influenza, a doctor may be consulted after the injection of influenza vaccine.
Cough 7: cough, sputum, or associated with asthma when
Shortness of breath, weak, or difficulty breathing.
Other symptoms: at the beginning of the performance of the common cold symptoms, such as drowsiness, nasal congestion and so on, these symptoms last for about a week, in some cases may be a high fever to 39.4 ℃. Children feel sleepy, when issued Huchihuchi breath sounds.
Suspect: bronchiolitis, inflammation of the lung bronchioles. Is usually caused by respiratory syncytial virus, the most common in late autumn to early spring next year. Do not to be confused with bronchiolitis and bronchitis, the former more common in infants and young children, while the latter is more common in older children and adults of some. Doctors say the vast majority of children before the age of 3 will have a bronchiolitis.
Approach: If the child difficulty in breathing or can not eat or drink, immediately took him to the hospital. Infants with bronchiolitis usually require hospitalization for oxygen and other relief. If the child's symptoms are relatively minor (only without asthma symptoms such as difficulty in breathing), parents can put a child's room a humidifier to help him dispel the lungs of mucus, and make sure they drink enough water.
The sound is very clear, similar to the seals, roaring sound, usually occurs at midnight. This is different from the you've heard the sound of the cough was heard.
Other symptoms: the child's condition during the day to ease the evening seriously. He may have made low-grade fever. Seriously ill, his breathing will be issued when the harsh wheezing, which sounds similar to the child long after the sobbing cry.
Suspect: croup, a contagious viral infection, it will lead to the throat and trachea of the expansion and contraction. The virus usually attacks six months of age to the age of three children.
Approach: holding the child, in the bathroom filled with steam to sit 5 minutes, moist air will help clear the lungs of mucus to help children, to quell cough. When children cough at night, parents can ensure that the child warm in the case of the bedroom windows open to allow fresh air into the room, the more moist cold air will help to alleviate symptoms of respiratory expansion. If he is becoming more and more severe cough or difficulty in breathing, you should immediately take him to the hospital. Children may need to eat some antibiotics, but in any case, this requires a doctor to decide.
Parents Guide:
Cough inhibitors: If the child was coughing could not sleep, inhibitors might be that useful. Ask your doctor what kind of inhibitor in the selection. However, cough suppression and sometimes can make the disease intensified, or extended sick time.
Expectorant agent: the role of these agents phlegm, but studies have shown that they are not very effective. Water is a good expectorant agent.
Broad-spectrum cold medicine: As the formulations of these drugs contain more than one component, so the children must be carefully read before taking the statement. Such drugs may produce some side effects such as insomnia (commonly found in anti-histamine drugs) or allergy (commonly found in decongestants).
Throat Sugar: taking cough syrup can increase the secretion of saliva, which lubricate the throat, relieve cough. But do not be a child under the age of four to eat throat candy. Because the throat will be like a hard candy sugar, as it has led to choking hazard.
Could be given medicines: In the children could be given medicines be sure to use spoon or a cup-like containers in order to ensure the correct delivery amount.
Cough 2: a cough with sputum
Not accompanied by wheezing or shortness of breath, regardless of day and night.
Other symptoms: drowsiness, runny nose, tears, and accompanied by mild fever (usually not more than 38.6 ℃).
Suspect: the common cold, nose, sinuses, throat and lung the main airway viral infection. Under normal circumstances cough will continue throughout the cold process (approximately 7-10 days), and sometimes the time will be longer coughing (about half a month to 20 days or so), but the symptoms of a day by day would have abated.
Approach: try to keep the child clean the nasal cavity, nasal congestion or a runny nose, cough will aggravate the symptoms. Will not be blowing his nose for infants or young children, parents can use saline nose drops or nasal ball suction device to help children clean up the nasal cavity. If a child's cough and stuffy nose symptoms persisted for 10 days yet to see better, you should take him to see a doctor. He may be suffering from sinusitis (caused by colds bacterial infection), or some other diseases such as asthma, allergies, pneumonia, or lymph node enlargement.
Cough 3: severe cough and hoarse array
Respiration up to 25 under an array of cough. Suction force when the child will be issued a sharp ringing roar.
Other symptoms: coughing before symptoms appear, there had been about one week of cold symptoms, but not fever. The baby's condition may be more serious, sometimes even a snot bubble situation. May also lead to cramps and other symptoms, when the children will be tired when you stop breathing.
Suspect: whooping cough, which is a highly infectious throat, trachea and lung bacterial infections. Such a vaccine has not vaccinated their children more likely illness.
Approach: If the week-long children's cough did not improve, parents should take him to see a doctor. Babies suffering from whooping cough usually require hospitalization, to control the symptoms of cough, throat clearing by a doctor in the sputum. The disease can be treated by antibiotics and cough symptoms usually last for a few weeks or even months.
Cough 4: Children with asthma occurs after eating and continued hoarse cough
Other symptoms: swallowing food when the children are burning sensation, or if there were symptoms of vomiting or spit spray. Babies may become irritable or there abdominal cramps. Asthma and young children will be picky eaters reactions occur.
Suspect: reflux esophagitis, esophagus and stomach muscles between the groups caused by weak or incomplete development caused by acid reflux. Some cases, the irritation of the juice into the lungs causing chronic cough.
Approach: If a child Huchihuchi cough for 2 weeks did not improve, parents should take him to see a doctor. Doctors generally will suggest that the child within 30 minutes after eating to maintain upright posture, and sleeping when the head of some little booster. Or opening a number of drugs can control the symptoms.
Cough 5: and are often accompanied by persistent coughing, wheezing or asthma
Cough lasted for more than 10 days, evening or after exercise condition will increase, and when children come into contact with pollen, cold air, animal dander, dust or smoke, the cough will be increased.
Other symptoms: difficulty in breathing, or a child shortness of breath, difficulty and other symptoms.
Suspect: asthma, a chronic disease, lung small airway swelling, narrow, filled with mucus and the occurrence of spasm, causing difficulty breathing. Asthma caused by common factors such as irritants in the environment, viral infections and exercise. He noted that, fundamentally speaking, the children suffering from asthma, lungs are more sensitive.
Treatment: Mild cases of asthma symptoms of chronic cough will appear. Carefully examined in order to go to the hospital confirmed. If you have a family history of allergy, asthma, eczema or a history of history, should tell their doctor, because in this case, the more likely the child sick.
Cough 6: issued by the throat, slightly hoarse cough
Cough from time to time look, and sometimes a dry cough, sometimes with sputum.
Other symptoms: the child was lethargic, complaining itchy throat irritation, headache, back muscles and leg muscles. He also runny nose, fever, nausea.
Suspect: influenza, respiratory viral infections.
Approach: If a child the following symptoms, parents should immediately take him to the hospital: more than 38.6 ℃ high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, do not want to drink. Your child drink plenty of water, use the humidifier to relieve the symptoms of airway congestion. In order to prevent influenza, a doctor may be consulted after the injection of influenza vaccine.
Cough 7: cough, sputum, or associated with asthma when
Shortness of breath, weak, or difficulty breathing.
Other symptoms: at the beginning of the performance of the common cold symptoms, such as drowsiness, nasal congestion and so on, these symptoms last for about a week, in some cases may be a high fever to 39.4 ℃. Children feel sleepy, when issued Huchihuchi breath sounds.
Suspect: bronchiolitis, inflammation of the lung bronchioles. Is usually caused by respiratory syncytial virus, the most common in late autumn to early spring next year. Do not to be confused with bronchiolitis and bronchitis, the former more common in infants and young children, while the latter is more common in older children and adults of some. Doctors say the vast majority of children before the age of 3 will have a bronchiolitis.
Approach: If the child difficulty in breathing or can not eat or drink, immediately took him to the hospital. Infants with bronchiolitis usually require hospitalization for oxygen and other relief. If the child's symptoms are relatively minor (only without asthma symptoms such as difficulty in breathing), parents can put a child's room a humidifier to help him dispel the lungs of mucus, and make sure they drink enough water.
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