Monday, August 10, 2009

Time interval and young child feeding

Q: I am 14 and a half months of the baby, and now three meals a day three meals a day of milk, 200 ml to get up 7:00, two hours after eating an egg share, 11:30 lunch, 12:30 milk baby will sleep, the afternoon 5:30 dinner, rice noodles usually at night but also milk, such as eating a long time, how to eat would be more rational? A: Your baby's feeding time was very good for an hour after drinking the milk to give him water, if just drinking milk on the water, baby will not drink it, summer has arrived, how many babies drink a little to drink, more than one-year-old child, three and a half hours to four hours to eat there is no problem with a one-year-old must be within three hours. Q: Today, 12:00 to children to eat fruit, a child 7 months longer eight teeth, half an hour after the child spit is injury to the stomach it? A: No, he could not very comfortable to eat, he is sleeping, and watching the children do not spit out spit up also, if they spit, they can eat the medicine to help digestion. 8 months longer teeth, look very good.

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