Thursday, August 13, 2009

16 months of growth and development of child care

To 16 at the end of the normal baby weight average 9.95-10.55 kg, mean height of normal 78.73-80 cm, 8-16 stars out of teeth.
Baby and now moves to increase capacity, you can skillfully graffiti will take 2,3 block building blocks, dress can be a good match, very interested on the stairs, even though he (she) can not be independent from top to bottom staircase. To identify the body is now like to do baby, one of the game, but also particularly like to identify the chin chin, Waterloo creak at the baby sounds very interesting part of the name of the body.
16-month baby started to have setbacks and failures distinctive experience, because he (she) often can not successfully complete their desired objectives. For example, when up and down stairs often can not correctly judge the height of the steps, or ran to a time when you have been tripping over their own pace and so on. This is a normal human process of learning a variety of skills, often the failure is a constant and continuous improvement process, your baby is to work hard for it, he (she) need your support and encouragement.
Personalized baby at this time have been more obvious, there will be their temper sentiment and small. When external stimuli exceeded the carrying capacity of baby, he needs to vent out. Want to immediately stop crying baby crying baby or to temper the elimination of anger is not immediately possible, he (she) is only a way that can vent their own discontent. At this time adults have to be patient, it is necessary to reason, you can comfort your baby, cold treatment can also temporarily allow a baby to cry a moment, it is necessary to allow the baby to vent their bad feelings out, this is a sensible one.
Mother and baby together is the most read story so happy baby, and let your baby choose the book which talk about the story, even if the story has been told a hundred times it does not matter, baby still will not reduce interest, you can also Education and awareness of the book of baby names of all kinds of things. Mother (father and son) were read, Fun for all.

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