Friday, August 07, 2009

How to retain vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vitamin the body needs the most. If the human body
known as glucose in the absence of a specific esterase acid in vitamin C
into the enzyme, people can not be automatically converted into glucose
in the body of vitamin C, therefore the need for additional food or from
vitamin C to maintain the functioning of the body. First, if the body store of vitamin C, less than 300 grams (normal is
about 1500 grams) will be the symptoms of scurvy, 1-year-old baby the
following day shall be provided with 30 mg of vitamin C, 1-year-old to
10-year-old children need vitamin C every day to 50 mg. Second, a baby's vitamin C requirements can be met from food. Vitamin C
mainly in fresh vegetables and fruits, it is easy to drain, storage time,
plants will destroy the enzymes in vitamin C, cooking time will be the
destruction of vitamin C. Third, fresh vegetables tips: vegetables should be washed, cut, stir-fry
the fire emergency. After the opening of soup dishes, so that
decomposition of vitamin C will rapidly become extinct enzyme. With the
fire to eat with. The vast majority of babies of dietary intake of vitamin C the body needs
sufficient, but in particular to add some baby vitamin C formulations.

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