Vitamin D is rickets prevention and treatment drug. Vitamin D include vitamin D2 and D3, is the survival of flora and fauna during the UV irradiation by sunlight, by the inactive precursor of vitamin D into active vitamin D. Vitamin D2 and D3 is identical to the role and purpose.
At present, commonly used oral preparations of vitamin D are:1, concentrated drops cod liver oil: vitamin A50000 per ml units, units of vitamin D5000.2, ordinary cod liver oil capsules: Each capsule contains Vitamin A3000 units, units of vitamin D300.3, concentrated cod liver oil capsules: Each capsule contains Vitamin A10000 units, 1,000 units of vitamin.4, vitamin pills D2: Each unit contains vitamin D210000.5, vitamin D3 tablets: each unit containing vitamin D310000.6, the Iraqi Kexin 0-1-year-old capsule formulations: A1500 Each unit contains vitamin, vitamin unit D500. More than 1-year-old agent: A2000 Each unit contains vitamin, vitamin unit D700. There are also injections: Vitamin D2 40 million units / ml, vitamin D3 30 million units / ml or 60 million units / ml.
So, how do agents choose different? Should be based on the situation of children and the use of different purposes with different agents.
The prevention of rickets: two weeks after the neonatal period, the daily intake of vitamin D400 units, premature infants and two fetuses in March the amount of the former should be doubled, that is, 800 units a day later changed to 400 units per day. 2 years after the growth slowed down the increase in outdoor activities, food diversification, rickets generally less liable to occur, there was no need to increase service of vitamin D. Long-term use of antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin that, phenobarbital and other drugs in patients, should be a daily supplement of vitamin D 2000 units. This is because this type of antiepileptic drug can speed up the vitamin D inactivation in the liver, resulting in a lack of vitamin D. Since the dose used to prevent small selection of cod liver oil or cod liver oil drops more convenient pill.
In addition, for the prevention of rickets in infants should be doing outreach work, starting from the pregnancy. Pregnant women and lactating mothers diet deployment, eat more vitamin D and calcium-rich foods, should be more than the sun, during 4 to 5 months after the service should be D400 unit of calcium and vitamins.
Treatment of rickets: vitamin D on the existing deficiency rickets in children, should be based on the stage of the disease using the therapeutic dose of vitamin D, vitamin D need to choose a simple preparation. Cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D, does not apply to the treatment of rickets, due to the therapeutic dosage of vitamin D, because at the same time containing excessive vitamin A can lead to vitamin A poisoning.
1, general therapy: early rickets, daily oral vitamin D5000-10000 units; irritable rickets period, daily oral vitamin D1 million -2 million units. Were later renamed in January continued to prevent usage. Recovery tends to be used to prevent dose.
2, shock therapy: high-dose vitamin D shock therapy, rickets generally used only for serious complications in children and can not be taken orally. Intramuscular injection of vitamin D2 or D330 million units 1, partitions in January after the dose of prevention services. But generally do not promote the use of rickets, caused by vitamin D to prevent poisoning.
It should be stressed that because of the impact of diet, dietary intake of calcium enough, with the exception of breast-feeding infants, the vitamin D at the same time, we should take calcium at the same time. Varieties currently on the market a lot of calcium, the calcium content also varied widely, such as the calcium carbonate reached 40% of calcium chloride 27% calcium, and calcium in calcium gluconate is only 9 %. Selection of calcium dissolved easily choose the times, elements of high calcium and easy-to-use formulations.
It’s a well known fact that vitamin D is necessary for a child's regular growth and development. It is also vital in keeping a good immune system, in regulating the growth of cells, and in the prevention of cancer. So get your child's vitamin D levels checked. Since identifying the deficiency at an early stage will help in avoiding any permanent damage.