Baby likes to make friends with snacks, but you know, and some snacks
will not mean the baby's good friend, your baby may also become a
threat to the health of the enemy. Moreover, some snacks, both friends
and enemies, then how to distinguish between what the enemy is a
friend then yes?
Expanded categories: lead-free high, try to Eat
Cakes, cookies, etc. Such cereals contain more carbohydrates made by
the puffed food, crisp and easy to digest, may be appropriate intake.
Extruded snack foods with a fragrant, flaky, crisp, sweet features,
more suitable for your baby's "appetite." But may contain elements
harmful to human health of lead. Puffing failed long-term consumption
of food, it is easy to make blood lead level exceeding the prescribed
standard, resulting in acute toxicity. Baby can be expressed as:
mental sluggishness, anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
anemia, and even cause toxic hepatitis.
Friends or enemies?
For baby, the lead element is not conducive to baby brain development,
puffed food is often more harm than good, so Mom and Dad, or the
puffed food included in the list of unwelcome friends with bad bar.
Small suggestions:
For baby's health, to avoid the baby to eat puffed snack foods.
Fruit: amount of food at the right time
Fruits are of various age groups like to eat baby food. Fruits contain
glucose, fructose, sucrose, easily absorbed. Of the organic acids in
fruits can promote digestion, increase appetite. Soluble dietary
fiber, role in the prevention of constipation; fruit is also a major
source of vitamin C.
Baby to eat fruit and do not pay attention to science and appropriate,
it would bring the scourge, so that the baby was the "fruit disease."
Because the fruit attributes are "cold" "hot" parts. Such as the
physical side hot baby, eat a lot of oranges at the fire, oral ulcers,
angular cheilitis, mouth foaming, gingival swelling, pain, stool dry,
eyes or nose irritation, this is because the orange fruit are heat
reasons. Partial physical cold baby, if the excessive consumption of
fruit and cool, such as watermelon, pear, persimmon, kiwi, etc. there
will be diarrhea or abdominal discomfort.
Friends or enemies?
According to baby physique to choose fruit, and pay attention to the
selection and arrangements for the baby to eat fruit and time.
Small suggestions:
The timing of the consumption of fruit between meals, or afternoon
nap, after waking up, so allow your baby to fruit as a snack.
According to your baby's age, size and digestive capacity, made of
fruit juice or pulp, a 3-month baby is best to drink fruit juice, 4 to
9 months of the baby can eat pulp.
Hard fruit: with a high fat, the proposed single-Eat
Peanuts, melon seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc., containing
a high fat, processed food, after making up only a very fragrant
smell, but also contains some of the human body needs essential fatty
acids, B vitamins, trace elements, etc. These are babies have a long
body need nutrients.
Such snacks chewing difficulties, age, a small baby is easy to
inhalation of the trachea, caused by breathing difficulties and even
suffocation. Hard Fruit high in fat content, age, we should not eat a
big baby, a number of quality problems, hard fruit foods may also
contain toxins harmful to the health of the baby.
Friends or enemies?
Hard to eat fruit baby food, the biggest problem is difficult to
chew and easy to inhalation of the trachea, Mom and Dad can be nuts,
food products in order to knock into small Suimo baby food, nuts, type
of food for baby is more good than harm, you can set out into the
friends list.
Small suggestions:
You can taste to determine whether there are quality issues. For
packaged nuts categories of food, you can observe the appearance of
hard to distinguish between good and bad fruit. High-quality nuts in
general are relatively bright color, shiny, dry and debris-free, does
not appear Mildew, eyes and other insects.
Candy categories: high-calorie, single mouth, after food deprivation
Confectionery is a pure calorie food snacks, chocolate, although
it contains some protein and fat, but mainly to provide heat.
Nutritional value of such foods is not high, sweets are one of the
causes of dental caries, sticky candy is very easy to form a number of
difficult to brush tartar, easy to turn into tooth decay.
Confectionery is not appropriate as a baby often choose snacks.
Friends or enemies?
As the sweets have a great impact on the teeth, it is likely to cause
tooth decay, affecting the normal development of baby teeth, to baby's
health, or the inclusion of friends with bad candy list. But this is a
bad friend can control, you can control the baby's consumption.
Small suggestions:
Candy should pay attention to "proper" principle and generally only
eat one a day or two would be sufficient. The time to eat candy,
preferably in between lunch and dinner, as the best snacks to eat.
Choose baby candy, you can take into account the baby's nutritional
needs. If your baby is underweight, optional toffee, so as to
supplement protein and energy; such as baby calcium deficiency,
calcium Halva, sherbet, etc. optional. With sticky candy such as
chocolate, coffee, cocoa, sugar type is best not to eat too much baby.
Cool Fresh categories: high level of sugar, choose the best season of
Ice-cream, ice cream category is a cool baby food are most like to eat
snacks, especially in the hot summer. With milk as the main raw
material produced by cold food, its nutritional ingredients are
protein, fat and carbohydrates, a small amount of calcium.
As these high-sugar foods, eating more will affect the baby's appetite
and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Many babies due to poor
appetite, pale and thin in the hospital for medical treatment, check
there is no organic disease, which is actually babies, "the spleen and
stomach does not and the" diseases; there are also some baby hospital
because of recurrent abdominal pain diagnosed as "gastritis" These are
related to bulimia a lot of cold food-related.
Friends or enemies?
Baby's immature digestive system, stimulating greater consumption of
food, self-adjustment ability is not strong, it is likely to cause
diarrhea, loss of appetite, affect the baby's normal development. Cold
drink cold water or will the general category as the baby's a bad
Small suggestions:
Even if the summer does not give the baby to eat a lot of one-time
cold food, cold food to eat each time after the baby, we must remember
to help your baby that the use of warm water gargle.
Bakery categories: sure to brush your teeth after eating
Puddings rich in carbohydrates, you can make up for inadequate
nutrition in baby food and energy, and can provide for the baby's
brain cells, energy, eat some cake before meals can help your baby to
eliminate hunger.
Frequently will encourage your baby to eat cakes produce tooth decay.
Teeth and food, especially carbohydrate type of food the longer the
contact time, dental plaque bacteria produce acid, have more time to
damage the teeth enamel.
Friends or enemies?
After eating cake, Mom and Dad should be encouraged to brush their
teeth or baby teeth to remove glued to the teeth or interdental food.
So, pastries, or more good than harm, should belong to a good friend.
Small suggestions:
In order to avoid baby have a good appetite to eat meals, before meals
2 hours, Mom and Dad try not to let your baby eat a snack.
Eat healthy snacks
Snacks, or eat a lot of poor choices will affect the baby eating
dinner, baby disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system,
causing digestive diseases and nutritional imbalances affecting your
baby's health. Even a good friend class snacks, eat also have pay
attention to, and adhere to the following points, timely, appropriate,
adequate and reasonable to the baby to eat snacks:
1, in order to eat snacks to choose the best time: every day in
between dinner and give baby some snacks or fruits. However, not too
much volume, accounting for about 10% of the total calories for the -
15% or so.
2, the main meals supplemented snacks: snacks can choose all kinds of
fruit, whole-wheat crackers, bread and so on, but to less, quality
should be fine, synchronized to change frequently.
3, appropriate selection fortified foods: such as calcium deficiency
of calcium can choose baby biscuits; the choice of iron deficiency
blood Halva, sherbet; zinc, copper and the baby can use zinc, copper
and high levels of zero food. But fortified foods should be selected
carefully, preferably under the guidance of a doctor, a short time a
large number of eating fortified foods may cause poisoning.
4, planned, controlled choice of snacks: Mom and Dad are not available
to amuse coax baby snacks, baby likes it better not to buy anything,
can not give your baby develop a bad habit of endless snacking.
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