Reporter in the interview that in recent years, with advances in medical technology, many neonatal and pediatric diseases are declining trend emerged. However, some children's mental, psychological and behavioral aspects of disease development has gradually surfaced. Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center, told reporters neurological rehabilitation specialist, a lot of "unruly" children may be in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tic disorder or autism trouble now, weekends and holidays, the Hospital Association to usher in a doctor's climax.
ADHD, tic increase in the incidence of urban children
Recently, the reporter went to the Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center, Neural Rehabilitation interview. Waiting crowd, a 10-year-old girl was issued with the voice like the barking of dogs, every two or three seconds Guaijiao soon as, attracted the waiting hall of the people have eyebrows. "The girl's problems and as Ms. Wang's son, not naughty, she actually got tic."
Experts told the reporter, tic, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (including sensory integration dysfunction f), autism, chronic mental illness belong to the scope. As the life environmental change and social change intensified, ADHD, Tourette's disease continued to show growth trend, which was more evident in urban children. Liang Huici that the specific growth rate of morbidity and is difficult to know exactly, but one aspect of these diseases may be that the number of patients is growing - Guangzhou Children's Hospital neuro-rehabilitation clinic was established in 1990, when only one director out see the doctor, but now there are six officers every day, "sits", but also overwhelmed. Special weekends and holidays, before the term tic, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children is an endless stream, day out more than 100 people. The tic, the patient in the rehabilitation of visits per month were more than 5,000 people, about 400 to 500 people is tic children.
Liang Huici that the incidence of growth and increase the pressure on urban children, the parents attention and clear the diagnostic criteria.
Gene deletion causes autism or related
Hasty soon 3 years old this year, but how could not speak, people teased him, he always face written in the past. Recently, Hasty seemed particularly interested in the house door, all day long on being there at the door playing with the lock.
"Hasty such performance is long overdue rise to the attention of the parents, because the child may have autism." According to Kwong Wah Hospital, director Cui Qiliang neonatal presentation of autism occurred in the neonatal period of a special spiritual obstacles. According to statistics, the incidence of autism in the population rate of 1 / 150, Guangdong, about 16 million different degrees of autism in children.
It is worth noting that statistics show that nearly Liu Cheng is the degree of autism than parents of high education or high income earners. Experts believe Kochi parents want for their children and create better living conditions and wholeheartedly in the work, late childbearing, and the child is born, are often easy to overlook the children's care, and thus the proportion of children with autism than ordinary families .
However, in recent years about the causes of autism has also been updated to say. Cui Qiliang told reporters: "In the past used to think, the cause of autism may be related to psychosocial factors, but research suggests that autism is not a lack of warmth caused by the rearing environment, but genetic, brain disease or trauma and other physiological causes. "
Parents of children with abnormal early detection
ADHD: 1. Need quiet places, he hardly quiet, often moving away at it. 2. Easily excited and impulsive. 3. Difficulty concentrating, easily transfers. 4. Things always peter out. 5. So many good interrupted or noisy, and often interfere with other children. 6. Difficult to comply with the order or discipline of collective activities. 7. Emotional instability, the request must be met immediately, otherwise it will generate emotional responses. 8. Academic performance is poor, but not caused by a mental disorder. 9. A little more clumsy, poor fine motor skills.
Tic: facial muscles twitching, such as blink, turn eyes askance, eyebrows, frowning, pouting, grinning, wry mouth, mouth, Shen She, Tian Zuichun, reduce nose, wrinkled nose, do equal blame.
Head and neck muscle spasm, such as nodding, shaking his head, looking upward, turned, quite neck, shrug, etc..
Trunk muscle spasm, such as chest, wriggled, abdominal tics, drum belly, stomach and other smoking.
Upper limb tics, such as rubbing your fingers, fist, walk away, lifter arm, torsion beam.
Lower limbs twitch, for example, legs shaking, kicking, Hing Wah Street West foot stomping, knee extension, knee, or even abnormal gait.
Throat muscle spasm showed abnormal sounds, such as dry cough sound, roar, Hang Hang sound, or anywhere spitting, long outlet, when the accent or pronunciation wrong, or sometimes involuntary curse so.
Tic onset of clear consciousness, twitching disappears after sleep, when the increased mental stress.
Expert Q & A
Child have a problem, always caused anxiety for parents. In particular, ADHD, tic disorder and autism, these types of disease are gradually entering the public eye in recent years, the questions parents have particularly high. To do this, press on the problems specific to some common interview with an expert.
One problem: my children are ADHD or tic?
"My kids naughty little trick a lot, he also can not control, others said it was ADHD, but some people say is tic, in the end matter how ah?" Many parents would take the issue to ask questions of neurology and rehabilitation practitioners . Indeed, for many parents, it is difficult to distinguish what is what is tic ADHD, sometimes it will be confused.
Answer: ADHD and Tics sometimes occur in pairs
Liang Huici that the performance of ADHD and tic are two different diseases, if parents look closely, is not difficult to distinguish between the two:
Tic: uncontrollable muscle twitching
Tic is a group of muscles or groups of muscles repeatedly can not control the fast twitch, but also many parts of the body's muscles may twitch: If it is the mouth, eye, face, muscle twitching, the patient is always distorted mouth, blink or shakes, if the shoulder, neck, muscle twitching, the patient involuntarily shrugs, shaking his neck, throat, muscle twitching if the patient's performance is no sense to issue all kinds of strange noise. Tic development of the severity of patients will suffer, "Tourette syndrome", that is, muscle twitching, while criticizing some of bad language, but the patient completely involuntary.
ADHD: inattention, impulsiveness
And hyperactivity in children can not concentrate, can not concentrate, act out of control, impulsive, the performance of treason, acts without considering the consequences, often dangerous or destructive behavior, and afterwards will not learn. One of the symptoms of ADHD is the sensory integration disorder.
If parents find that the performance of children have two diseases, it is not surprising, because ADHD and Tics sometimes in pairs. Tic patients, 40% to 50% of combined ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder about 20% of patients with combined tic.
Second question: Why do my children suffering from this disease?
"My child is born healthy, normal intelligence, have not had any trauma, why we get a tic or ADHD? The disease is caused by congenital or acquired it?" This is another common problem parents confused.
And over-protective parenting the way
Liang Huici said that so far ADHD, tic, autism and other neurological diseases can not find a clear cause. The medical profession tend to think, these are the result of a combination of factors, it is possible relevant factors are:
Physical basis: there is a child in certain gene defects, or incomplete brain development.
Rearing: the current number of over-protected only child, the environment and the adverse factors are critical parents stop in the "umbrella" outside. The child's ability to face the lack of negative factors of compression, once the competition into the learning state, can not cope with the intense pressure, nervous anxiety, it may be symptoms of tics and hyperactivity.
Inducing factors: ADHD and the tic syndrome belong to the spirit, the spirit of bad factors induce and aggravate hyperactivity or tic, in this regard need to reflect on their own parents, in particular, because the child's most pressure comes from parents. In particular, some parents expect too much, it may let the children suffer more than the load pressure. "Every child is different qualifications, can not be used to set a unified model, it is unfair to children."
Question three: how differentiate between autism and simple character problem?
Many parents of autistic children have had such a thought process: that children and others a bit different, if less is not very lively, and the children do not like to play ... ... performance of these children in the parents seems to, at most, is the character within one point, few people would equate and autism.
Answer: Understanding Autism, "the three core symptoms"
Cuiqi Liang told the reporter that there are three core symptoms of autism in children, showing the following:
1. Social communication disorder. For example, children often call the not, the lack of attachment to parents, such as lack of interest on the peer.
2. Language communication barriers. Half of the children with language retardation, usually two or three years old still can not speak; also some children even if there is a language, it will not, and normal human communication, talking with people without visual. For example, some children with speech such as "parrot" the adults said "good call Auntie," he said, "called Aunt good"; some are repeating the language, kept saying a word.
3. Stereotyped repetitive behavior or narrow interests. For most children, autistic children may love the activities and what is not interested, but would have some particular thing or activity of the extraordinary interest and, therefore, demonstrate this or that repeat stereotyped behavior or stereotyped movements, For example, a circular motion, smell, play switches back and forth around, arrange toys and building blocks, hand dancing, especially attached to something like a wheel, fan or other round objects, repeatedly watching TV commercials or weather, like to hear a first or some more specific music, but usually not interested in animation.
If the child is unknown reasons after 1 year of age can not speak, the lack of separation anxiety and mothers, the lack of response to the teasing, often hiding in the corner to play alone in the wheel of a single meaningless game, parents with children to find the best experts in psychological behavior of children diagnosed .
Question 4: Autism = mentally retarded?
Because of the community is lack of knowledge on autism, resulting in many parents of children with autism as a "mentally retarded." Some families even locked in the house or the children sent to relatives in rural areas dependent, resulting in life-long suffering of children with autism.
Answer: autism are not "mentally handicapped"
Autism in some children and mentally challenged children have similarities, such as barriers to verbal communication with others, on the understanding of language barriers, learning disabilities. However, there are still great differences between the two. Although children with autism accompanied by a comprehensive developmental delays, but all aspects of development and uneven. For example, some autistic children with life can not take care of themselves, but they have a strong computing power, or painting, music ability, some children have little language, but in memory, identify the color, shape recognition, outstanding. Mentally retarded children are usually higher than those in the normal development of various aspects of delays, but more balanced development of all aspects, in perception, social interaction, interest and language and other aspects of the development is in direct proportion to their IQ.
Thus, although can not cure autism now, but if found early, parents can send them to rehabilitation centers for recovery professional training, most can achieve self-care, and some can even be a particular aspect of genius. Therefore, parents must not be blind to a conclusion, children with delayed recovery.
Comprehensive treatment can not rely on drugs
"For the treatment of ADHD and tic medication is not a simple problem, to vary, comprehensive treatment." Liang Huici said, parents bring their children to medical, first to conduct a professional assessment of the disease. To tic, for example, depends on the child are transient tic disorder or chronic motor tics disorder, or Tourette syndrome. At the same time, depending on whether the complication and cause functional damage, combined with the child's personality traits, obtained comprehensive evaluation.
In the treatment, psychological counseling, behavioral interventions and drugs in three ways, usually integrated use. For ADHD, pathological anatomy that is caused by the brain is not enough focus on the point of excitement, so the general use of central stimulant drugs; for the tic, the brain pathology that is too excited substances, and to suppress physical enough, so drugs should be given sedatives. But when the drugs, how drugs should be decided by experienced specialists, parents must not be blind to use. Moreover, the drugs can not cure, can only relieve symptoms.
However, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and tic pathology is unclear, it is a neurological disease, sometimes even within a short time to remission through treatment, but the next child in the same environment, they fall ill, and parents and doctors are very anxious. Liang Huici bluntly: "I am willing to treat 10 children with epilepsy, is not willing to rule in patients with a tic! The control of the disease better, but there are factors that induce the disease, the patient's home environment and academic pressure did not change, the next times may also attack. "
However, ADHD and Tourette's children must be early treatment, because the disease will directly affect the learning, and if not treated, some people's symptoms will be extended to adults.
Early repair of an age best
Autism in the early and difficult to find the time when children are small, some symptoms were not clear. And even if there is a clear abnormalities, many parents will think that this is only within the child's personality. But the early detection of autism is very important. "In the past the general stress in the two-year-old best time to correct the disease, but correction of the best age to 1 year in advance. Of course, early detection does not mean we will certainly be able to completely eradicate these issues well, its significance is early intervention, training them to master certain communication skills so he will more easily integrate into the community. "
Early treatment of autism behavior modification should be based, in line with a certain level, in daily life into the relationship of training and intervention to enhance children's desire to communicate with people. Experts suggest that children with autism over the age of 5 can be supplemented in the training of effective psychotropic drugs to control excited, ADHD-like. In addition, parents teach children to speak, can speak to lip-synching, for pronunciation training. For example, let the children in accordance with the word sentence, simple sentence telegram, simple sentences, complex sentences, complex sentences and the order from easy to hard over and over.