Core Tip: at birth, the newborn may be smarter than other children more alertness. Some children will be able to own from the start, head up a moment, as if to look around for life to have a strong sense of curiosity ... ...
A feeling of sharp, responsive and often very clever baby. You have him, you will feel this. If he appears to have avoided something, it shows that he can distinguish between what is so happy he was and what not, this is the beginning of mental activity. Infant more sensitive, but also the easier it will be met.
The sooner the children laugh, the greater the possibility of smart. Although this is not a completely reliable indication, it is a symbol. Very early babies laugh often become a smart and lively children.
Very clever children at birth are often bigger, heavier, but not entirely so.
The reason is: a big healthy baby is more likely to be pregnant by the good nutrition and health care of the mother. The mothers at home are also more likely to give their children the best education to help, which in subsequent intelligence tests will show. Heavier in the life of the baby may also have psychological advantages, have better physical fitness, and thus have reason to more happy than other children. For example, they can each eat more food, and therefore do not need frequent feeding, can focus turned more intellectual activities. In addition, busy parents do not have children due to feeding and cleaning, we can provide more useful to stimulate the children, have more time to exchange with their children. Therefore, from birth, children with less than a heavier, more attractive children may find themselves in an unpleasant, emotional support of the world, will be used in many ways the original good luck.
Newborn found the rate of growth of different abilities are different. Although the ability to have some relevance, but according to one or two have the ability to detect the development to determine the development of other capabilities is difficult to do. Infant physical development of certain skills to their conditions, some with experience, and some are associated with both. Smart kids trying to determine the early signs to him as a complete person.
In short, smart children in all aspects of development ahead of, the help of their parents, they are likely to maintain this advantage.
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