In recent years, children, youth, more and more short-sighted. Experts say ,0-6-year-old children and the critical period of visual development. It can be said that infants and young children during the eye development, the child's life have a decisive impact. Therefore, vision care, infants and young children should be started. The key is to enable children from a young age to develop good habits of vision care. 1. More in touch with nature. Looking for things in the course of movement, able to quickly adjust vision, transform the focal length of the visual development of a lot of good.
2. To avoid too early to teach children literacy, early childhood training to do the right comic gesture, writing, drawing and so on. Children to buy books, buy the printing clear, sharp illustrations, fonts bigger, so that children do not feel it hard to read. The distance between the eyes with the painting to around 35 centimeters.
3. Do not use eye a long time. To avoid eyestrain, kids do not read too long a time. Each about 20 minutes, rest a few minutes in order to alleviate the burden on the eyes. The so-called rest, that is, do not see small things close, or looked at the outdoor distance.
4. The light to be sufficient, but not to read and write under the direct sun. Will be too light to stimulate the eyes, too weak are not clear, it is bound to or from the recent book, this time a long time will result in the development of long axis to form a short-sighted.
5. To tell the children not to walk when the car reading, not lying down reading.
6. To control the time watching television. 1-2 year-olds in general each time watching television should be controlled within 20-30 minutes, more than 3-year-old children are best not more than 1 hours. To maintain distance from 1.5-2 m, the brightness of the screen too hard.
7. In the diet of children should be allowed to eat sweets, eat more vitamin A, B1, B2, C and E in food. Common vitamin-rich foods are eggs, milk, fish, meat, liver and fresh vegetables, fruits. In addition, some zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium and other trace elements are closely related with the eye tissue.
8. Monitoring the situation of visual development. Visual monitoring of children, in particular, were two of the visual inspection in order to detect abnormal vision, it is best to do every 3-6 months, a visual inspection. If strabismus, depending on the material Waitoushan, squinting or paste, such as very recent phenomenon, due early hospitals for ophthalmic examination.
Period in infants and young children should also be noted that visual training on children.
Two months from birth onwards, children will be able to follow close to the eye and rotate objects, parents can take a number of brightly colored toys allow children to see, and slowly the child will be a little farther away from the toys, which children's development vision is useful .
Children can be slightly larger vision outdoor training with language training at the same time, such as talking while the kids hide and seek edge, six-way hearing children Happo eyes, more sensitive to visual acuity. To be 2-3 years old so that they look at a variety of pictures with color, first to see a single color map, color lines and then look at maps, to further look at the map more complex. The next is to practice tracing and painting. Also allows children to play with color sets of toys, from the difference between the feelings of a variety of colors. After the 2,3-year-old baby can slide, color projection, animation and other dynamic color contrast between the images for training, from less to more, step-by-step
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