"Out your tongue!" Children to see the doctor, this phrase is often said the doctor. Why? Because the tongue is not only a taste organ, by observing the tongue, but also determine what the children got sick.
Tongue can not speak, the color of its own, the state, but also to convey to you a lot of health information.
Hand, foot and mouth disease in children of oral herpes appear red and soon rupture of water into 2 ~ 3 mm, small ulcers in the tongue, gums, cheek, etc., resulting in children of oral pain, drooling, refusal to eat and so on, then the palm of your hand , plantar rash appears red, and some appeared to contain the middle of the vesicular fluid turbidity, the same rash can also appear on the buttocks. This is the "hand, foot and mouth disease" is infected with the Coxsackie virus.
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a virus caused by intestinal infectious diseases, the vast majority of sick children to be around 7 ~ 10 days to heal. Because it is virus infection, there is no effective treatment in particular, can only be targeted for treatment for fever, alleviate pain, such as dealing with oral ulcer. Apart from the obvious infection, antibiotics for the treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease has no effect.
In general, the higher the child fever, fever, longer duration, the more serious condition. If it is found that the children have persistent high fever (over 39 ℃), vomiting, headache, shortness of breath, mental symptoms such as low, it is necessary to go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible to prevent serious complications.
Thrush thrush read by bacteria infection caused by white, baby's tongue will be a whole layer of white coating. Thrush generally will not cause obvious pain, but the baby will suck the breast has been watered down. Babies suffering from thrush, it is necessary to pay attention to the regular disinfection of the bottle, and the natural air-dry. If it is breast-feeding, mother's nipple to keep dry.
Oral herpes oral herpes is one of the most common childhood viral infections, infectious high. HIV transmission to the first child, called primary herpes. Manifested as pain, gingival swelling and redness, as well as an increase in saliva secretion. 1 to 2 days thereafter oral blisters appear. Blisters rupture and leave behind the pain left the region completely healed in a few days. Performance of children with mild low heat for about a week, headache, decreased appetite, swollen lymph nodes. However, many symptoms of minor children.
Within 6 months of the baby have the antibodies in breast milk, few infections, but the incidence of subsequent rise. Once the infected children will be referred to as virus carriers, which means that the body remains inactive the virus, the child has oral injuries, infections or other allergies, fatigue, the virus will be re-activated, leading to secondary infection, but symptoms of primary infection to light.
Herpes is not a serious illness, but children will be uncomfortable, so think of ways to alleviate the suffering of children. Can give the child to eat soft, non-stimulating diet. Do not use the drug coated with hormones, because hormones will lead to the spread of the virus.
Tongue map is a map of the tongue occurred in the tongue mucosa of chronic superficial exfoliative marginal glossitis. Lesions because of its regular performance of the different parts of the blade of tongue, and transform the size and shape, with migratory characteristics, also known as migratory glossitis. The main performance is the surface of filamentous nipple exfoliative tongue to form a red irregular concave area, and around many of the yellow-white thickening uplift, clear edge, the shape of the map, so the tongue is called map.
General map of the tongue was particularly prevalent in the frail infant, at present not very clear cause. Some people think that with the intestinal parasites or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract; It was also suggested that children do not sound nervous system development, emotional fluctuations; also some children's parents also suffered from too tongue map, so the performance of a certain degree of genetic sexual. Map of the tongue in general no obvious symptoms, not pain, not itch, does not affect appetite, only a small number of children eating irritating food with some discomfort, so it does not require treatment, but should pay attention to oral hygiene. In fact, this disease have a certain self-limiting, that is, exfoliative tongue filiform papilla of the self-recovery, so that the surface of the tongue mucosa completely back to normal, but still intermittent seizures, and some may be as long as the course for several years, even up to adult . However, most children can be self-healing with age.
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