If your baby is always crying for no reason at midnight, you should observe what he is fighting a tooth. In general, most babies 6 months to 10 months will begin between the teeth. But for some babies, the teeth is a painful process. Therefore, in a period of baby teeth could become bad temper, loss of appetite may also frequently crying for no reason in the middle of the night, and when the molar bed. At the same time, their cognitive and physical development are also made quantum leaps. In the baby to learn stand up, sit-up, and crawling new skills, they will be very excited. This also makes the baby is difficult from the repeated practice of new skills in a good quiet sleep.
Should be noted, do not because of fear of your baby's crying and upset the rest of his sleep schedule. Because if you change the child's patterns of life and want to change back would be very difficult. To ease your baby's gums with pain, you can use your fingers gently massage your baby's gums. Also allows your baby to bite some more cool items, such as iced towels or baby teethers. If your baby is really painful that was very powerful, but also accompanied by fever or other symptoms, you should take your baby to the hospital as soon as possible.
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