The clinical manifestations of anemia and its causes, the degree of severity, the occurrence of emergency such as slow and age factors. General, acute anemia, such as acute blood loss or hemolysis, anemia, although a lesser extent, can also lead to serious symptoms and even shock. And chronic anemia, the body organs as a result of the early compensatory function better, the symptoms may be asymptomatic or less, when the compensatory insufficiency symptoms only gradually. Chronic anemia in children on average than the tolerance for large adults. Individual children with chronic anemia (such as β-thalassemia Major), in the event of severe anemia to walk upstairs. As a result of red blood cells main function is to transport the body to carry oxygen, anemia, the reduction in blood oxygen content was low oxygen deficiency, which leads to organ dysfunction with various symptoms arising. The main clinical manifestations can be divided into three areas:
1. The general performance of
Skin and mucous membrane pale, for outstanding performance. Erythrocyte Count and Hemoglobin as a result of reducing the content, so that the skin (face, antihelix, palms, etc.), mucosal (conjunctivas, oral mucosa) and the bed was a pale color. Severe anemia often when the skin was yellow wax, each combined misdiagnosed as mild jaundice, on the contrary, accompanied by jaundice, cyanosis or other changes in skin pigmentation can mask the performance of anemia. In addition, a longer course of disease is also often easy to fatigue, dry hair, poor nutrition, physical symptoms such as growth retardation.
II. Hematopoietic response
Infancy as a result of the function of blood-forming organs have not been stable, when the need for blood increases, often the bone marrow hematopoietic organs and tissues outside the proliferative response was restored to the status of fetal blood during the period, appear in varying degrees of liver and spleen and lymph nodes increased (aplastic anemia Extramedullary Hematopoiesis generally not enhanced), peripheral blood nucleated red blood cells can occur, naive PMN.
III. The symptoms
(A) cycle and respiratory symptoms of the two systems are inter-connected, anemia, due to tissue hypoxia, may be a series of compensatory function, such as through accelerated heart rate and breathing speed up to achieve the increase in oxygen transport capacity ( after the more obvious). Physical examination can be found to speed up the heart rate, pulse strengthened, and increased arterial pressure, capillary pulse can be seen sometimes. To severe anemia compensatory dysfunction when the heart of the expansion of precordial systolic murmur, or even congestive heart failure.
(B) the stomach digestive peristalsis and secretion of digestive enzymes are subject to impact of loss of appetite, nausea, bloating or constipation and so on. Occasionally, glossitis, papillary atrophy, such as the tongue.
(C) the spirit of the nervous system often show poor concentration, easily agitated, such as temperament, severe hypoxic brain tissue syncope can occur. Older children may have headaches, dizziness, eyes black, or ringing in the ears, etc.
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